Welcome to Valley Class
Our Valley Class children are our Reception, Nursery and Rising Threes. We aim to provide a fun, inspiring environment where all children feel safe, nurtured and valued and therefore are able to learn.
We are kind, gentle and we always try our best.
In Foundation, we learn through a creative and play based approach, which aims to provide a rich, stimulating and nurturing environment that inspires all children.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to develop knowledge, skills and understanding through the 7 areas of learning. These are Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED), Physical Development, Communication and Language, Literacy, Maths, Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World. We use Development Matters to shape our curriculum, environment and assessment. Find out more here: Development Matters (Revised, 2021)
Topics and lessons are enquiry based and begin with a question for learning. Our topics ensure curriculum coverage whilst leaving scope to follow the children's interests.
Meet our staff
Mrs Leicester
Ms Stott
Spring 1
Our Topic for Spring 1 is Polar Lands
This half term we will be learning about Polar Lands. We will begin by learning where Antarctica is and what it is like there. We will learn which animals live in Antarctica and compare it to Hebden Bridge. We will then move on to learning about The Arctic and the differences and similarities between the North and South poles. We will also be learning to recognise and describe the signs of Winter and explore changes as water freezes and turns into ice.
Some learning questions we will answer during this topic will include;
What is it like in Antarctica?
Is Antarctica like Hebden Bridge?
What happens when we hold ice in our hand?
What are the signs of Winter?
Would a penguin and polar bear ever meet?
Key text that we will use to support our learning this half term include Jonty Gentoo, Poles apart, Lost and Found and Penguin.
For further information about all aspects of our learning this term, please see the Class Newsletter and Curriculum Overview.
Summer 1
Question for learning: ‘How does your garden grow?’
This half term we will be learning about growth and change of plants and minibeasts in the garden. We will begin by learning what seeds need to grow and plant our own seeds, observing them as they grow. We will explore whether all seeds look the same as we chop up a variety of fruits and vegetables to observe and draw what we find inside.
Some learning questions we will answer during this topic will include;
How do we know plants are alive?
where do plants come from?
What do seed and plants need?
Why are bees important?
How do worms help us?
How do butterflies change as they grow?
What can we do to help look after plants and insects?
Key text that we will use to support our learning this half term include Jack and The Beanstalk, Jasper’s Beanstalk, Yucky Worms, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Bee.
For further information about all aspects of our learning this term, please see the Class Newsletter and Curriculum Overview.
Class Letters and
Curriculum Overviews
Home Learning
How can you help your child? Each week the children will bring home:
a new phonetically decodable reading book
a book from the school library that they have chosen
new sounds on their phonics keyring
Remote Learning
Class Dojo will be used as the main platform for remote learning if part or whole school closure is required. Some resources may need to be uploaded to this class page and we will direct families if needed. Please ensure you login and check Class Dojo every day to access a wide range of cross curricular home learning activities.
Our photo gallery