• Inclusion

  • Nurture

  • Inspiration

  • Aspiration


Our vision

To provide excellent, inclusive early education (3 – 7years) through creative, inspiring, playful learning experiences.

We use our deep understanding of how young children learn to inform our excellent practice and provision.


Our Values

  • Inclusion - everyone is safe here; everyone is welcome

  • Nurture - all children are valued, treasured and developed as individuals

  • Inspiration - our curriculum sparks curiosity and wonder

  • Aspiration - we support all children in being the very best that they can be


  • Inclusion

    We welcome and embrace the opportunity to teach all children irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other needs. Diversity and differences will be valued, respected and celebrated by all and they will contribute to the richness of our school life and learning. We provide a child-centred education in which all children make progress and achieve

  • Nurture

    We work in partnership with families to create a welcoming, safe, caring and happy school. We promote the emotional and physical well-being of children through our commitment to positive relationships, empathy, kindness and mutual respect.

  • Inspiration

    We offer a vibrant setting within which children are encouraged to work collaboratively and creatively. Children explore, enquire and engage with a broad, balanced, stimulating curriculum. We endeavour to foster children’s sense of awe and wonder, developing their natural curiosity and interest in the world around them.

  • Aspiration

    Our high expectations motivate children to work hard, persevere and be active and ambitious learners. We ensure children are equipped with the fundamental skills to enjoy and achieve in life. We strive to create self-motivating, self-disciplined, independent learners